The Night Pole pack includes:- a generator housing with harmonic board - a "sheet" transducer + a compass to check the magnetic field polarity on your bed. The sheet transducer is custom-made, the exact dimensions of your mattress indicate below. Product customizationMore détails
START'SOMMEIL functionPressing the Start'Sommeil button, it triggers a one-hour program to induce deep sleep.See Deep Sleep Research. Specially designed to accompany you during sleep, the Delta waves correspond to what is generated by the brain in a state of deep sleep. After one hour, the magnetic field becomes equivalent to the magnetic field field of the North magnetic pole. If necessary, this operation can be renewed during the night. Another one-hour program with harmonics has been specially designed with the Delta, Theta and Alpha waves for well-being.It provides a regulating effect conducive to relaxation, meditation.Magnetic field North PoleMain function of Night Pole : Reproduce equivalently the magnetic field of the North magnetic Pole. Natural magnetic field of exceptional quality is constant throughout your bed to help you have a restful sleep and protect you from ambient electromagnetic pollution (WIFI, mobile phone, microwave ... ).adjustable intensity.For more informations,An innovativenaturalconcept,How does it work?.Delta and Theta harmonics These frequencies correspond to those used by NASA and their shape and intensity.
Programabout an hour beforeswinging backtothe North Polemagnetic field. Muscle spasms,tendonitis,rheumatismor chronic painaslumbarback pain,osteoarthritis...NightPoleoffersthis optionwill help torelieve you and will help your body function better: Detoxification, Cellulite Improvement... with harmonic option.This program canadvantageously befollowed withthe "Cushion" transducer or "Amplified" TRT304 transducer.Frequency, rhythm andintensityadjustable. For more information,And more.
UsingNightPolepulsed magnetic fieldsiscontraindicatedfor thosewithan electro-implanted medical device(pacemaker,neurostimulator...)or having undergonea transplant,as well aspregnant women.Holders ofdigital hearing aidsmust remove theirhearing aids. UsingNightPoleshould not suggestor requirea stop forany medical treatmentthat the usermight have.Always followthe advice of hisdoctorand neverstop takingthe medicationor itsmedical treatmentwithout his consent,and thiseven ifthe pain hasdisappeared.
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Description : a generator housing (dimensions in cm: 12 x 27 x 21), a main transducer (custom-made to the dimensions of your bed base or mattress), a second transducer (dimensions in cm: 72 x 52 x 4). + Compass.